Whee Write

Songs to Accompany Your Writing Process

–Diana N.


  1.  When you come to terms with beginning the first draft of your essay:


  1. When you have that “Ah-ha” moment and your ideas develop as the words flow from your mind, to your fingers, to your page:


  1. When you are half-way through the first draft of your essay and your brain stops working and you just can’t find the words to make that final word count and you just want to quit school altogether:


  1. When you take a day off to clear your mind of the task at hand, but it still burdens the back of your mind while thoughts of finishing your paper haunt your every move:


  1. They are even with you when you go to bed and when you wake up, and follow you to and from your doorstep every day: 


  1. And you end up feeling like one of the living dead:


  1. When you’re finally brought back down to earth and reeled back into work after being adrift in an endless abyss of empty thoughts:


  1. When you push through the emotions and the stress and complete your draft:


  1. When you begin your revisions and realize you’re a better writer than you thought you were at the beginning of the process:


  1. When you make your final revisions and prepare to submit your paper minutes before the time it is due:


  1. When you submit your paper and the burden of composing thoughts is lifted from your shoulders:


Here’s a Spotify playlist to keep you company as you write:

1 Comment

  1. John Falter

    Yes to The Police! These papers find us everywhere!


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