By Michael R.
A writer is someone who writes. A person who writes is a writer. A wish to write is not the same as writing. A writer is not someone who wishes to write. A writer is someone who writes. A person who wishes to write is not a writer. Someone who wishes to write and does write is a writer. Writers wish but they also write. Writing is not the same as wishing to write. Wishing to write is not writing. A person who wishes but does not write is not a writer. A writer is someone who wishes to write and then writes. Writing is not wishing, but a wish may be written. A written wish to write is writing. Someone who writes their wish to write is a writer. A writer does not wish to write, but may write the wish to write and then be a writer. A writer writes and what is written is written by a writer. Writing is writing is writing is writing.
A thesis is an argument. A thesis does not argue. The writer argues. A thesis is an argument. The writer argues by writing. What the writer writes is the writer’s argument and is a thesis. An argument is a thesis but also may be just an argument. A thesis is always an argument but never just an argument. A thesis that has been written is a written argument and a written thesis is an argument that has been written and a written argument is a written thesis and a written thesis is a written argument. A thesis does not argue but is an argument. The thesis is the writer’s argument and the writer writes the thesis which is the writer’s argument. The argument the writer writes is the writer’s thesis. An argument that has not been written is not a written thesis and a writer who does not write a thesis may be a writer but is not a very good writer.
This is a topic sentence. This is not a topic sentence. The first sentence is a topic sentence but the next sentence is not a topic sentence. A topic sentence is an introduction. An introduction is not the same as a topic sentence. An introduction has a thesis but a thesis is not an introduction. A topic sentence may be a thesis and a thesis may be a topic sentence but a topic sentence may not be a thesis and a thesis may not be a topic sentence. A topic sentence begins because it is an introduction. A beginning has an end but a topic sentence is at the beginning of the beginning and not at the beginning of the end. An introduction is a beginning. A topic sentence is a beginning before a becoming. The becoming before the ending is not the topic sentence. The topic sentence is always a beginning and not a becoming that becomes the becoming that becomes the beginning before the end. The topic sentence is the beginning and the beginning of the beginning.
A conclusion is an ending. Would you like to make a follow-up appointment?